The Love of God
“The Love of God” is a hymn that has been well-loved by many, and reflects the vastness of God’s character and love. However, once you know the amazing story behind this song, its words become even more powerful.
For All the Saints
The hymn “For All the Saints” was written by William W. How, and later put to music. While it’s definitely a lesser-known song, the words and accompanying tune are beautiful and uplifting.
Day by Day
The hymn “Day by Day” was written by Carolina Sandell in 1858. Though the song itself expresses a deep peace and trust in God and His sovereign care, the circumstances surrounding its origin were quite different.
This is My Father’s World
The hymn “This is My Father’s World” was written by Maltbie Babcock as a poem. The tune was later written and added to the text by Franklin Sheppard, a friend of Babcock’s. As with many hymns, this song was birthed from the story of its author.
God Moves in a Mysterious Way
“God Moves in a Mysterious Way” (originally titled “Light Shining Out of Darkness”) was written by William Cowper, who is more famously known for writing the hymn “There is a Fountain.” Cowper’s story is an amazing one, but full of turmoil and hardship.
Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness & I Gave My Life for Thee
This month, I decided to feature two hymns instead of one. While, at first, they might seem a bit unrelated to each other, you might be surprised when you learn the connection between them. “Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness” was written by Count von Zinzedorf, a man famous for his generosity and support of mission…
Depth of Mercy
The hymn “Depth of Mercy” was written by Charles Wesley, a renowned hymn writer. However, like many of his hymns, “Depth of Mercy” itself is not very well-known. If you haven’t heard this hymn before, you’re in for a real treat.
And Can it Be?
“And Can it Be?” was written by Charles Wesley in 1738. There are several different tunes used for this song, but the most well-known is probably SAGINA, written by Thomas Cambell.
Amazing Grace
“Amazing Grace” is one of the most popular hymns to ever be written. If you ask even a non-religious person to name a hymn, it will most likely be “Amazing Grace”. Written by John Newton in 1773, the hymn was put to a popular tune by William Walker in 1835. A final verse was also…
At the Cross
The hymn, “At the Cross” was written by Isaac Watts in, and a refrain and tune were added in 1885 by Ralph Hudson. The words are also used in the hymn “Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed,” though without the chorus.