The Christian Writer

Spreading God’s Truth to the World One Story at a Time

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A Christmas Conundrum

First and foremost, I have been ransomed by the blood of Christ, and I strive to reflect His goodness in my life. I’m nineteen years old and a homeschool graduate. I live in a small town in the beautiful state of Wisconsin with my nine family members and a forever-changing number of pets.

I write novels, short stories, and poems. Typically, I stay within the realms of historical, Biblical, and contemporary fiction, though I do dabble in other genres from time to time. My goal is to write good-quality, Christian fiction for teens.

While my main interest—you could even say obsession—is writing, I also enjoy singing, playing the violin, and taking walks in the fresh air. In the evenings, you can often find me curled up with a cup of hot tea and an old book.

My other hobbies would include daydreaming about my current WIP, soaking up unique character and setting ideas wherever I go, and compiling the plot for my next story idea entirely in my head.