The Goal
What does your MC want more than anything else in the world? What is the prize at the end of their quest? What is the finish line at the end of the race? What do they hope will be the result of their mission?
How to Write an Antagonist
Today, we’re going to talk about the single most important supporting character in your story… the antagonist. They are one of the main reasons the story is even happening, so it’s vital that you get this character right.
The Truth vs. The Lie
Today, I’m going to be talking about two of the most important elements in a Flat Arc story… the Truth and the Lie. Now, if you’ve read my Positive Change Arc series, you probably already know a bit about these elements. But, in a Flat Arc story, the Truth and the Lie take slightly different…
This Blog is One Year Old!
Today is a special day on my blog… one year ago, I started this website and posted my first article, entitled “Intro to Plots and Character Arcs.” (Actually, it was a year ago last Wednesday, but I decided to wait until today to celebrate.)
The Flat Arc Protagonist
Is your main character a Flat Arc who generally believes the Truth despite the opposition around them? If so, how do you keep them from being a goody-two-shoes? How do you make them relatable and realistic?
This is My Father’s World
The hymn “This is My Father’s World” was written by Maltbie Babcock as a poem. The tune was later written and added to the text by Franklin Sheppard, a friend of Babcock’s. As with many hymns, this song was birthed from the story of its author.
How to Write a Contagonist
Today, we’re going to talk about contagonists. While you might be unfamiliar with this term, by the end of this post, you’ll probably realize that the contagonist is actually a quite common character in fiction.
Intro to Flat Arcs
Today, we’re starting a new series on Flat Arcs. If you’ve been following my Positive Change Arc series, some of the terms I use in this Flat Arc series might sound familiar to you, but I’ll try to explain them thoroughly for any new readers.